
旅歐創作型音樂家顏慈瑩Veronica Yen



慈瑩不只是鋼琴家, 她是位音樂家, 因為她不只彈鋼琴, 還彈音樂和感情, 我們(評審)感動了好幾回!’ 




畢業於倫敦皇家音樂院鋼琴演奏碩士, 慈瑩是一位充滿各樣藝術巧思的創作型音樂家。在台灣期間曾隨黃潘培老師學習吉他並加入合奏團負責中音吉他。大學期間赴英國愛丁堡, 主修藝術史及建築史, 但也同時在許多音樂比賽中獲獎: 其中包括荷蘭的第三屆國際學生鋼琴大賽第一名及指定曲演奏獎。慈瑩在這場比賽的決賽中演出葛利格鋼琴協奏曲, 並獲全場1600觀眾起立?掌。慈瑩旅歐期間, 先後師事國際級的演奏家如Ronald Stevenson, Irina Zaritskaya, Joanna Macgregor, Patsy Toh(傅聰之妻卓一龍教授),且成為名波蘭演奏家兼指揮家Janusz Piotrowicz(的唯一私人學生。慈瑩在演奏家文憑考與碩士畢業音樂會均獲皇家音樂院頒特優’, 且鋼琴系主任評她為 : ‘一位充滿自信且全心投入的演奏家, 她的音樂很自然的與觀眾對話! 



旅居歐洲期間慈瑩演出經驗豐富。曾獨奏於蕭邦的愛丁堡故居, Edinburgh Festival Theatre, the Reid Hall, 倫敦 Southward Cathedral; Conway Hall, 薩爾茲堡音樂節,布萊頓All Soul’s, 米蘭La Creta劇院, 西班牙Gijon, 且多次在愛丁堡藝術節舉辦獨奏會並獲報章評為一位完全融入音樂的演奏家, 表現出成熟的音樂素養與大將之風, 並詮釋了樂曲深刻的內在意涵。慈瑩也曾與蘇格蘭風笛樂團合作, 和愛丁堡節慶樂團演出普羅高菲夫第一號鋼琴協奏曲; 與俄羅斯愛樂協奏。此外, 慈瑩也熱愛室內樂的演出: 曾為皇家歌劇院男中音John Morgan和國際吉他演奏家楊雪霏伴奏。也曾於英國電視台ITVSouthbank Show演出匈牙利當代作曲家Kurtag作品,(Neil Georgeson四手連彈)2006年慈瑩應英國導演Meara之邀拍攝音樂紀錄片’In Search of Messiah’。慈瑩因優異的音樂表現獲愛丁堡市長及歐洲各國大使接見, 並獲頒為台灣海外傑出青年!



因著對多樣藝術的熱愛, 慈瑩也嘗試結合不同藝術形式的表演, 2004年在高雄文化中心發表了一場全數售完的創作型演出‘看見音樂’, 與舞蹈和繪畫同台演出並受公共電視專訪錄影。她也曾在倫敦與愛丁堡藝術節發表過視覺藝術和舞蹈合作的創作型音樂會, 皇家音樂院研究所Glauert評為‘最令人興奮的美學新成就! 除此之外, 慈瑩與英國鋼琴家Neil Georgeson運用當代的內部鋼琴技法改編了葛利格皮爾金序曲與柴可夫斯基的胡桃鉗組曲, 於米蘭與倫敦發表, 為鋼琴演奏開啟新的表現型式~ 演奏之外, 慈瑩也致力於音樂創作: 曾為奇美基金會編曲鋼琴三重奏。作曲樂譜Alina's Song2007年三月參加法蘭克福國際音樂展。 2007年夏天將發行她的第一張音樂創作、演奏專輯。慈瑩期待未來能繼續演奏,作曲,並創造新的演出型式。因為能藉由音樂來分享美與感動是她覺得生命中最幸福的事情!



2007 音樂創作 演奏專輯於六月發行。作曲樂譜Alina's Song三月參加法蘭克福國際音樂展。與詩人陳育虹共同合作詩與音樂的創作形展演。

2006 與國際名吉他演奏家楊雪霏於威爾斯合作演出。應英國導演Meara之邀拍攝音樂紀錄片 '尋找彌賽亞。暑假於奧地利薩爾茲堡音樂節Romanisch Saal舉辦鋼琴獨奏會。夏天擔任海上鋼琴師, 遊地中海一個月, Panopoly團郵輪上合演出八場, 並為皇家歌劇院男中音John Morgan伴奏兩場。秋天再度擔任海上鋼琴師, 遊波羅地海, 於郵輪上演出四場。

2005 為奇美基金會編寫一系列鋼琴三重奏, 並與奇美名琴合演。改編電影音樂(鋼琴部份)為鋼琴協奏曲, 與俄羅斯愛樂於台灣巡演。給鋼琴與小型室內樂團的作曲作品<The Polish Soul in Paris><Ave Maria>於倫敦Bloomsbury Church發表。 與天才鋼琴家Neil Georgeson於米蘭鋼琴四手連彈,共同以內部鋼琴技法改編古典樂曲, 於米蘭La Creta劇院與倫敦St.Giles演出。

2004 與舞者/編舞家Ruby Chan和插畫家Yvonne Yen致力創作音樂視覺化展演 (piano theatre) - 於高雄文化中心發表全數售完的創作型演出‘看見音樂’。慈瑩在這場演出中發表了兩首她為視覺藝術而做的鋼琴作品<Red Rose><Colours in 12 months>

2003 與小提琴家獲英國Millenium Award 致力研究並演奏猶太音樂。 於愛丁堡藝術節Reid Hall舉辦鋼琴獨奏會,獲蘇格蘭先驅報好評:‘… 有大將之風,Veronica表現出成熟的音樂素養。詮釋出<楊那傑克>奏鳴曲的深刻內在意涵! 。並與舞蹈家Ruby Chan於愛丁堡藝術節與倫敦皇家音樂院發表全場音樂視覺化的創作音樂會, 共同編創鋼琴小舞劇<卡蜜兒>,<><莎拉邦德>











2003 ‘成熟的音樂素養, 她對音樂的深度了解來自他自然的內在音樂直覺,她著實是位藝術家!    Patsy Toh, 皇家音樂學院鋼琴系教授

2003 ‘最令人興奮的美學新成就!’    Amadan Glauert, 皇家音樂學院研究所所長 (創作型音樂會評語)

2002 ‘有大將之風,Veronica表現出成熟的音樂素養。詮釋出<楊那傑克>奏鳴曲的深刻內在意涵!      愛丁堡藝術節獨奏會先驅報評

2002 ‘這是一場令人喜愛的演奏,來自一位有自信及全心投入的演奏家。他的音樂很自然的與觀眾對話。’   Christopher Elton (皇家音樂學院鋼琴系系主任)

2001 ‘具音樂性及智性的演出,表現出她對樂曲貝多芬奏鳴曲op.109成熟了解’     Rena O’Hara (市政廳音樂學院鋼琴系系主任)

2001 ‘敏感又詩意的演出,表現出對所選之樂曲有深度的了解。有好的音色音質的控制


2000 ‘在各方面看來都是令人難忘的演出。充滿活力及生命力,很多層次的音色變化,美的樂句表現。她的音樂很能跟聽眾對話演出普羅高非夫鋼琴協奏曲一號    Bernard King蘇格蘭國際鋼琴大賽評審

1999 氣韻如潮湧般傳制指間,滑向琴鍵。流轉的音符,或淺吟哀婉或悲壯激亢,撫慰著驚恐的靈魂。哀婉死者,使生者沉穩得力。她的整個身體、感情,以及經年練就的琴藝,都已不再屬於她自己,卻代表眾人,化作一種單純凝重的表達,一種請願,一種對生命更深刻的體悟,一種肯定。921賑災音樂會(民眾日報藝評家:李風瞿)



Veronica Yen – a creative concert pianist  

veronica performing pieces with inside-the-piano technique


Educational background

Graduated from the Royal Academy of Music in London, Veronica is said to be one of the most creative pianists in her generation. While reading Art History and Architecture History at Edinburgh University, Veronica won various piano competitions including the 1st prize and contemporary music award at the International Students Piano Competition in Holland, where she performed Grieg’s Piano concerto in the final for an audience of 1600 and received a standing ovation. Veronica studied with Professor Patsy Toh and Joanna Macgregor at RAM, with Peter Evans in Edinburgh, and with Professor Irina Zaritskaya and Janusz Piotrowicz privately. Veronica was awarded ‘distinction' at both her diploma and master’s recitals at the Royal Academy of Music. Her performance was reported as 'poetic and sensitve’; and she, herself as ‘a committed and confident performer, having a sense of courageous engagement with the music and natural communication with her audience'.



Veronica performs extensively both in England and in continental Europe, as well as in Asia. She has given recitals at venues like Chopin’s Residence in Edinburgh, the Reid Hall, the Festival Theatre, Conway Hall and Bush Hall in London, at the Salzburg Festival as well as in Milan. Her recital at the Edinburgh Festival was reviewed by The Herald as 'full of confidence, commitment and authority, Yen demonstrates matured musicianship…[Janacek sonata] was searching, profound and utterly authentic'. Veronica has also great passion in chamber music performances. She has collaborated with pre-eminent performers like guitarist Xue-Fei Yang and baritone John Morgan from the Royal Opera. Veronica has also appeared on ITV’s South Bank Show playing Kurtag’s piano duet (with Neil Georgeson). Her great interests in the arts has led Veronica to start, since 2002, giving creative piano performances, by collaborating with a dancer and a visual artist (total-art recital). She has given several highly acclaimed total-art concerts in London, at the Edinburgh Festival and in Taiwan (Kaohsiung Cultural Centre). Veronica wishes to continue creating new possibilities for piano performances. 


Compositions and arrangements 

Apart from performance, Veronica has great passion for arranging and composing. In 2005, Veronica began to arrange piano trios for Chi-Mei cultural foundation; she also arranged the piano part and appeared as a soloist with the Russian Philharmonic Orchestra’s Film Music concerts in Taiwan. In the summer of 2006, Veronica appeared in a music documentary film made by the director Tim Meara. The score for Alina’s Song - for flute and piano, was exhibited at Musikmesse Frankfurt (Frankfurt International Music Fair) in 2007. As a result of her musical achievements, Veronica was named one of the 'Best Youth Overseas' by the Taiwanese Government.


Recent music activities

2007 -1st music album is to be published in June

-May, give a lecture recital 'writing poems in music', and a performance collaboratin with Poet Chen Yu Hong

-March, the music score of Alina Song is exhibited at Frankfurt International Music Fair

2006 -gave eight concerts cruising on the Mediterrean sea and four concerts on the Baltic Sea

-gave a piano recital at Romanische Saal at Salzburg Festival

-participated in the music documentary film ‘In Search for the Messiah’

-performed with guitarist Xue-Fei Yang at the Welsh College of Music

2005 - Concert tour with Russian Philharmonic Orchestra

-arrange piano trios for Chi-Mei Cultural Foundation

-Performed ensemble compositions, 'Bells of the Cathedral' and 'Ave Maria' in London

2004 – Created ‘Piano Theatre’, performed with illustrations and Dance on stage in Kaohsiung Cultural Centre. Composed solo piano pieces <Red Rose> and <Colours in 12 months> for visual art.

2003 – Created ‘Piano Theatre‘ performances with Dancer Ruby Chan: <Camille>, <Sarabande> and <Poem>, and performed at Edinburgh Festival and in Royal Academy of Music.


Prizes and Awards

-Finalist at Rowena Furgerson Piano Competition 
-Winner of Piano section at Edinburgh Concerto Competition 
-1st Przie, Piano Recital Competition at the 50th Edinburgh Musical Competition Festival 
-1st Prize, Beethoven Sonata Competition at the 49th Edinburgh Musical Competition Festival
-1st Prize at the 3rd International Students’ Piano Competition in Utrecht, Holland 
-Winner of the Contemporary music performance at the same competition 
-Awarded as one of the ‘Best Youth Overseas’


Critical Acclaim:

“She is not a pianist, but a musician. For she does not only play the piano, but play the music and emotion.” (Final, the 3rd International Piano Competition, Ton Hartsiuker, Chairman of the Jury)

2003 ‘Most exciting fruit of creativity!’  Amanda Glauert, Chair of Postgraduate      Studies of RAM

2002 “……With authority and conviction, Veronica demonstrates a firm and mature sense of musicianship… <The Janacek Sonata was> searching, profound, and utterly authentic!”  Michael Timulety, Music Critic of  The Herald

2002 “This was a very enjoyable recital from a committed and confident performer.  There was a sense of courageous engagement with the music and a natural communication with her audience.”  Christopher Elton (Head of keyboard, Royal Academy of Music)

2001 ‘A musical and intelligent performance which showed a mature overview of the work (Beethoven sonata op.109)’

2001 ‘A sensitive and poetic performance and showing much understanding of all works. Good colouring and general tonal control.’  Report of RAM diploma Exam

2000 “A much impressive performance in all ways. Full of life and vitality with a really wide tonal range. Beautiful phrases, and it really communicate well with the listener” Bernard King, (Pianist and Jury of the Scottish International Piano Competition)





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